I was so good with my old blog, but I seem to forget about this one all the time.
Let me catch you up. Last WI...down 2 lbs! I worked really hard so I was pretty happy about it.
The I went camping *sigh*. We had a great time, but I got no exercise and ate like it was my last meal on earth, all weekend. I had Pizza Hut on the way up there, chips when we got there, hot dogs, smores...you name it, I ate it.
Now I'm frantically trying to undue to damage before my WI in tomorrow...I think I'm up the 2 lbs I lost last week.
I'm so mad at myself. I worked really hard to lose that weight and now I feel like I'm back to square one. I have no idea why I continue to do this to myself. I've been going to meetings for 20 freaking weeks, and have lost 13.5 lbs. It's pathetic. I'm exactly where I was at Easter.

If I'm going to continue to spend $16 a week (which we really can't afford), then I need to be serious about this.
Trouble is, I have no idea where to start. Maybe if I keep looking at this face, I can do it for him