Let me catch you up. Last WI...down 2 lbs! I worked really hard so I was pretty happy about it.
The I went camping *sigh*. We had a great time, but I got no exercise and ate like it was my last meal on earth, all weekend. I had Pizza Hut on the way up there, chips when we got there, hot dogs, smores...you name it, I ate it.
Now I'm frantically trying to undue to damage before my WI in tomorrow...I think I'm up the 2 lbs I lost last week.
I'm so mad at myself. I worked really hard to lose that weight and now I feel like I'm back to square one. I have no idea why I continue to do this to myself. I've been going to meetings for 20 freaking weeks, and have lost 13.5 lbs. It's pathetic. I'm exactly where I was at Easter.

If I'm going to continue to spend $16 a week (which we really can't afford), then I need to be serious about this.
Trouble is, I have no idea where to start. Maybe if I keep looking at this face, I can do it for him
Weight is like the stock market. You can't beat yourself up for what you have lost. You have to pick up the pieces and continue on! You are still 13.5 lbs down! That is a good thing. I took a break from WW and gained too...I am almost back down to my lowest weight. Failure is only when you stop trying. I track on Fitday.com now, and find it is a lot better than WW online. AND it is free!