Last night it was Zach's turn to get up with him and he ate three freaking bottles in the night! I couldn't believe it when I got up this morning and saw all the empties lined up.
Plus heating up bottles in the night in Mexico is going to be a pain in the ass.
So any suggestions? He just woke up (after being in bed for about an hour) and screamed his head off so I gave him some water in a bottle and that seemed to work (and he only drank 2 ounces as opposed to the 20 ounces he drank last night).
It's just so hard to

My mother gave me this tip. When baby wakes up, go through your usual routine, but give him a bottle of water that is room temp ( I filled the bottle at bed time and left it on his dresser)...after two nights? The baby will wake up and think "she's just going to give me crappy water! It isn't worth the trouble" and will send himself off to sleep. Like all of my mum's advice, it worked! She always knew how to make things OUR decision!