Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Motivation is on a Slow Boat to China

Here's what I've eaten over the past two days.

Thursday after WI - burger and oven fries for supper. That's not too bad. But it does down hill from there

Friday - A&W for lunch, frozen pizza for dinner, then I went to a Pampered Chef party and had dinner number 2. More pizza (and this one had bacon on it), wine and apples dipped in vanilla flavoured cream cheese (does the apple make it healthy?).

Today - starbucks for breakfast (at least I had the low fat breakfast sandwich). For lunch, little pinwheel wraps, spinach salad, and then (here's the kicker) black forest trifle for dessert. Does one need dessert at lunch? The answer to that is a definite no. For dinner, copious amounts of chips and dip, a beer, steak, baked potato, salad and fruit flan for dessert. That's right. Three meals today, two of them featured dessert.

I am officially gross. And will not lose the 1.8 lbs I gained last week if I keep eating like a fucking pig.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Always Worse Than You Think

I only gained 1.8 lbs. I can deal with that. And by "deal with that", I mean start tomorrow. Zach really wants ribs for dinner, so they're in the slow cooker.

I'm gluten for punishment.


My meeting starts in 4 minutes and I'm sitting in front of the computer in my PJ's. Jude and I are both sick and we had a bit of a sleep in, and now I REALLY don't want to go. I sneaked a peak at the scale this morning, and I think I'm up 4 lbs. In one week. *sigh*

I guess I should get my ass off the couch and go, even if I missed the meeting.

Just one of the Many Reasons...

I love Queen. I too, appreciate a big fat fanny

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 Reasons Why it Sucks to be Fat

1) you have to shop in fat girl stores, and they're uber expensive and the clothes are dumb. For example, all shirts in a fat girl store should have to be worn with a bra. Guess what, if you have to shop there, you have to wear a bra. End of story
2) it sucks to get your picture taken. I always think I look thinner than I am. Then I get my picture taken. Image shattered
3)You can't wear cute sun dresses
4) bathing suits (need I say more?)
5) when I nurse the baby, I'm far more concerned with making sure my fat stomach is covered than my boobs.
6) you have to pay double on some airlines if you fat encroaches on some else's seat
7) you feel like everyone is looking at you when you chow down on a Big Mac
8) people ask if you if you're knocked up when your kid is 12
9) walking up stairs makes you lose your breath
10) you look and feel like shit

Maybe this will motivate me to stay on track. Feel free to add to this list. I plan on looking back at it next time I want to order pizza for dinner.

Here I Go Again

I've actually only been off track for a week, but I figure this will get me going again.

Here's my stats. One year ago, (today actually) I found out I was pregnant. I weighed 255 lbs. Today, I have an adorable 4 month old son, and weigh 231.8 lbs, so I'm pretty darn happy with that.

But I need to stay accountable, and keep on track. I really want to skip my meeting tomorrow, but I need to take my lumps *sigh*

Here's today's breakfast
2 cups raisin bran (6 pts)
1/2 cup 2% milk (1 pt)

For lunch I'm planning on salad

roast chicken
frozen peas

I get 39 pts a day, so I should be good to go