Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stupid Fucking Weigh In

errrr. I was up. Luckily I've decided not to kill myself.

I was good this week. A couple of slip ups on Sunday when I went to a friends house for girls night and ate my weight in appies.

Then last night hit. I went to my parents for dinner. BBQ'd chicken and salads. I can cope with that.

Well, the BBQ broke. So we had to cook everything in the oven, including the veggies I was roasting and it took forever. It was after 9 when we ate. And of course by then I was starving and I ate too much.

I was up 2.8 fucking pounds this morning. I know it was because of last night, but it's so disappointing when I finally get back on track and then have such a huge gain. It's the biggest gain I've ever had, even on the weeks when I wasn't counting points at all.

It's very disheartening. But I'm back at it. Tomorrow is another week.

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