Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is so hard

I'm having a really tough go of this right now. We eat out at other people's houses a lot. Last week it was 5 times. At home I can control myself...when we go out for appies for dinner, the gloves are off.

Plus I'm feeling like shit right now because my MS is acting up. My feet are so sore I can barely walk when I get up in the mornings. They're fine once I get going, but the first 10 minutes is agony. And if Jude wakes up crying in the night...I limp around the house getting a bottle ready and just want to cry. Couple that with my total exhaustion due to both the heat and stupid MS, and I'm about ready to quit.

Counting points is not high on my agenda of things that need to be done during the day. So for now, I'm going to keep going to my meetings, be mindful of what I eat, but go easy on myself until I go back to normal. It usually only takes a couple of weeks. So my goal for the next month is to maintain and not gain it all back.

Keep in check ladies!

1 comment:

  1. The most important thing is to take care of you so you can take care of Jude. Everything else is secondary. You've got huge challenges to deal with and you're doing the best you can. You can't ask more of yourself than that.

