Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weighing In Before Weigh In

I am terrible for weighing myself every day. Generally it keeps me on track, but not today. I've been tracking everything, went off the rails a bit on Sunday, but other than that, I've been right on track.

I weigh myself this morning, and I'm up 5 fucking pounds. It's not TOM, I've been drinking all my water and not having a ton of salt. I feel like crying. I'm finally back on track and now I'm heavier than I've been in months.

But I'm still tracking this morning. It's only 10 and I've had half my water already. Toast with a poached egg for breakfast and green salad with tuna for lunch. Zach is going to BBQ us chicken breasts for dinner and I'll make a big salad.

But if I'm up this week, I might kill myself. Just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. Please don't kill yourself - I would miss reading your blog.

    I know you know that the scale and your head are just messing with you.

    Hang in there.

